Monday, November 30, 2009

Friend Problem?

What if me %26amp; my friend were in a huge fight b/c she told me she had cancer %26amp; then I was talking about it 2 someone even though she told me not 2..but i thought that something like this is something I couldn't keep inside of me so i was talking about it to someone else that knew.%26amp; that person told other people and my friend thought that I told those people but i didn't. I found out that the cancer thing was all a "misunderstanding" now we don't talk to eachother %26amp; all my other friends HATE her but i still want 2 b friends w/ her b/c when we were friends we were like together all the time.But she moved 2 a different state %26amp; i miss her so much %26amp; i have a myspace %26amp; i know her myspace %26amp; i m thinking about sending her a message.....should i send her a message or not?(should i just forget about-her but the problem is, is that she told other people that i told other people %26amp; now i have problems w/ the friends that she left behind when she moved %26amp; now those friends hate me. HELP!

Friend Problem?

This is NOT your fault.. She committed fraud.... There are actually people in jail who have said they had cancer and accepted donations from other people.. then everyone found out they were being scammed... She told you she had cancer and of course you would feel so much compassion that you would have to tell someone. Its too much of a burden to keep quiet about. She only told you and did not want you to tell anyone else because she was full of it... Lies... then she got caught and felt too stupid so she had to blame you... It made her feel better because normal people just don't go around saying they have cancer no matter what the reason is... She is pushing the blame on you to turn the attention off of her.. Which it should be on her. What she did was really shameful and a disgrace to others who really have cancer.. She was taking the disease lightly.. good thing she is gone and you really should email her this message from me.. If she doesn't like hearing the truth then give her my email address and I will enlighten her... She is lucky the police is not knocking on her door for fraud

Friend Problem?

Ok.... Just remember great friends don't pull stunts like that... When you get older you will see that she isn't as great as you.. think she is now Report It

Friend Problem?

You should have kept your mouth shut about such a personal matter doesn't matter it turned out to be fake afterwards.

Friend Problem?

go ahead send her a message - if its yes great if no, oh well

Friend Problem?

yes of course you should send her a message because may she miss you too and you say you don't want to end this but if you keep on ignoring of course you want have no best friend and who knows if she miss you a lot she might move back think about it

Friend Problem?

well you did break a confedence... she trusted YOU..... you crossed over a line..... sorry, but you did.... you need to tell her how very sorry you are that you did that.... be honest and tell her why you did it and ask for her forgivness..... tell her how frieghtened you were and all that...... then give her time to deal with it and make up her own mind..... that is all you can do.... she either does or does not forgive you, but at least you know you did try to resolve the issue...... dont push her.... tell her you hope she forgives and that you will wait till she is ready IF she ever is........ God bless

Friend Problem?

Write her a message and explain everything too her. If she understands than be friends again if not forget about her and try to fix your rep as a secret teller.

Friend Problem?

Good thing you told her but I would send her a message and begging her to forgive me.

Friend Problem?

ahh, the problems of teenages.

i agree with mustang susie

Friend Problem?

what u did wasn't right. u should try to make up with her and see if she will forgive u. forget about those friends that hate u.they will forget in time

Friend Problem?

umm... up to her to forgive you... 5years ago, i told my mom that one of my friends had lost all her hair and she STILL hasn't forgiven of luck!

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