Saturday, November 28, 2009

I want to get to know this guy, without seeming creepy?

i was looking at a girl i knows myspace, she goes to a different school, so i saw this guy on her friends list and i was looking at his page and hes really cute, we have the same interests and like the same music. so i requested him and he accepted it. i wanna actually get to know him but wouldnt messaging him seem a little creepy and i dont know what i would write. i wouldnt want him to like tell his friends about the creepy girl who messaged him or something. haha i dont know what to do, help!

I want to get to know this guy, without seeming creepy?

Well I think that the whole point of myspace is to meet new people. If you just write him a SHORT message and say hey I noticed you on "insert friends name" page and thought it was pretty cool we had a lot in common. How did you meet "so and so" what do you do for fun....and a conversation is born.

I want to get to know this guy, without seeming creepy?


I want to get to know this guy, without seeming creepy?

just leave him a comment saying hey how are you doing today? and leave it at that until he replys but don't over talk to him.... Take it a day at a time :)

I want to get to know this guy, without seeming creepy?

Why would sendin him a msg be creepy, you could just be another one of his friends havin a convo!

I want to get to know this guy, without seeming creepy?

Do a friend's request or message him and say something nice :)

I want to get to know this guy, without seeming creepy?

just send him a comment saying"hey :)" he'll reply and from there you can talk ask him how his day was what hes up to simple stuff.

if he sounds interested

comment his pic.

be like "aww how cute"

he'll be flatered then later on send him a message saying

lest hangout yea?

or call me sometime.

I want to get to know this guy, without seeming creepy?

jus introduce urself.... tell him ur that friend's friend.... and then u'll click.... ok?(^_^)

I want to get to know this guy, without seeming creepy?

Talk to him for a couple days just small talk like Hey Whatsup? Where you from? What School You go to? Where do you work? etc. Then when you feel he is starting to like you tell him you would like to meet him.

I want to get to know this guy, without seeming creepy?

oh come on ive met TONZ of guys and gurrls on myspace its not gonna come off az creepy or wutever!!! TRUST ME jus ask him questions about himselff and like his skool n stuff ya kno jus ask him like jus wutever u really wanna kno about him and if u find out that he doesent gott a gurrl then thats great :p but jus keep it kool n act natural like u really jus wanna get 2 kno him and he might actually b into u

I want to get to know this guy, without seeming creepy?

just tell him u thought he was a cutie..or if he's close to u just be like "u look firmiliar do i kno u?"lol then just go from there.good luck n hope it works out

I want to get to know this guy, without seeming creepy?

If your that much alike in intrests there shouldn't be to hard of a converstion dropper in there.

Try asking his opinion on the latest song ? give your own opinion as well.

if your creepy so is he!

relax his opinion will be what it needs to be.

This guy doesn't sound like he would say you were creepy more like "man there is this cool girl that is e-mailing me she knows her sh*t"

where to go and what to do.

I want to get to know this guy, without seeming creepy?

Tell him you saw that he liked a certain band and ask if he has been to any of their concerts. Ask him about something you both have in common.

I want to get to know this guy, without seeming creepy?

message him. he will love it. i know i do.

just dont say you want to marry him or have his baby.


"i was looking at a girl i knows myspace, (state girls

name )she goes to a different school, so i saw you on her friends list and i was looking at your page and your really cute, we have the same interests and like the same


thought you might like to chat."

watch out for sex. we guys always think thats what you want when you contact us.

I want to get to know this guy, without seeming creepy?

Try talking to the girl who had him on her friends list and try to get him to go on a blind or double date with you.If you and that girl aren't that close try to see if there is someone on his friend list you are cool with and do the same.If all those fail try just messaging him and get to know him then try hanging out with him.

I want to get to know this guy, without seeming creepy?

It is not creepy at all that you saw a guy that caught your eye and you want to get to know him, just be yourself and if he is really interest in you then he will want to get to know you as well, you can never know what is going to happen until you try, if you do not do it then you will wonder what could have been should have been would have been, make your conversation short at first just to see how he reacts and then if it is not want you want then move on.

I want to get to know this guy, without seeming creepy?

that isnt creepy

Dudez try n talk 2 me on myspace all the time.

Itz nothing 2 take that serious..believe me

I want to get to know this guy, without seeming creepy?

I did that once and made an awesome friend in the process.

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