I am in the middle of a project of recording every Iron Maiden song in an acoustic version, me playing all the guitars, acoustic bass, all the singing and any extra sounds I might think of. I already have my sites up on numerous Maiden bulletin boards in around 8 different languages as well as having a MySpace site. Does anyone have any other ideas how I can let the Maiden-loving masses out there know about my versions?
By the way, the sites where you can hear the songs are :
http://www.notb.org/thingfish (for downloading them)
Hope you enjoy them and that they might get some people into Maiden who wouldn't normally listen to them because of their loud decibel level! :)
How can I get every Iron Maiden fan in the world to listen to my acoustic versions of their songs?
-Add your site in Iron Maiden links on Wikipedia
-Make meta tags for search engines
-Add your site to Iron Maiden on M-A (www.Metal-Archives.com)
-Get a real domain (I sell them... Very cheap)
-Tell people through word of mouth. If its good tehy will tell people then they will tell peopel Ect. Ect.
(Thats at least 400 extra views a week)
-Message/Bulletin Boards are a COMPLETE waste of time! (You will get 20 views max!)
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