Tuesday, December 29, 2009

What's wrong with this guy?

We're from a different country. We talked a while ago for around an hour, he insisted on buying me a drink (non-alcoholic), he showed me photos of his dogs and sister and his project on his phone. He was always smiling, he was really nice, he taught me some phrases in his language meaning "it is nice to meet you, i like this conversation,etc". Then I disappeared and we couldn't say bye at the end of the night and he went home. Since I was an organizer at the event where we met, I knew his email address (he didn't know mine), and sent him an email, which was extremely friendly (i have a bf so of course it was), telling him it was nice to meet him and he could add me on myspace so that we could talk in the future sometimes maybe. And now, he doesn't answer, doesn't add me on myspace, though I've seen his site and I saw that he was signed on yesterday. I sent him the email yesterday btw. I was totally being friendly, so why do I get this rejection? Why doesn't he answer at all?

What's wrong with this guy?

he did not like you

What's wrong with this guy?

Umm maybe you should not worry about it so much since you have a boyfriend?

What's wrong with this guy?

maybe he's angry with you for disappearing without saying anything.

What's wrong with this guy?

Maybe because of the way you disappeared the first time, maybe he was just being friendly the first time. Maybe he has an extremely jealous gf now that reads his emails and checks his myspace and he cannot make contact with you for fear of ending up like James Caan in Misery only his hands not his feet for sending you a message.

What's wrong with this guy?

maybe he is a player

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